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Hayyo peeps!I’m big boss here .HAHA xD Anyways , my name Teha Isa . Love being 13-teen.Hopes you enjoying here ! Nothing from me only a big smile and a bunch thanks for the lovely readers!

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Lye Huat Garden
Written by Miss Lolils Friday, December 17, 2010 | back to top

  ell0wz,,blogger..n assalammualAIKum...hihihi..sori lamerh x on...or updatez this blog..ha...now,aq nk citerh kat korunk tentang h0liday ku....hihi..
  then,,kitorunk jln2 sekitar ctu....kan mula2 aq ckp aderh tmn kan?lps tu,,aq n family jln2....kitorunk ternmpk satu umah nie..hehe..bkn umah larw...namerh dyer "jendela air tawar".
 kitorunk masuk dlm blok yg mcm umah tu..pastu kitorunk di kelilingi oleh ikan yg cantekz sgt!dyerh nyer ikan bes02..!pastu kitorunk nmpk aderh ikan keli tau!umm...ikan keli dyerh luar biaser..BEEEEES0000000 sgt!ish..ish.....namerh dye "Pirara Binocular"..hebat ciptaan Allah kan??
  and then,kitorunk tengok aderh satu ikan nierh tau....plik yg amat..dyerh nyerw ikan tu besooooo sgt....haa..cube korunk bygkn aquarium elektrik korunk kat umah..(alaaa yg beso tuu..)ikan yg aq nengok nierh klau dimasukkan dlm aquarium sebeso tu..ish x muat!bleh pecah aquarium tu!besoo sgt!
  pastu kitorunk nmpk ader 'school of fish'..eceh..hihihi..aderh sekumpulan ikan kecik2 tau...but wane itam..
dyerh bilerh nmpk kitorunk(my family),,terus meluru..but naseb baek dye dlm aquarium...lau x abish kitorunk..hahaha..kat cblah nierh..gmbr adek aq n the fish..hihihi...
   tpkan..ikan2 tu bilerh adek aq meluru kat dyerh,,die plak lari..ish...then,,kitorunk masuk ke dalam "Arowana House".byk gak larh ikan Arowana...
Cuberh korunk nengok ikan kat sblah nierh...ish..ikan aperh nierh ha?ikan nierh kan aderh kat "Arowana House".tp ikan nierh bkan ikan Ar0wana kan?ish..larw korunk tau korunk comen larh y0....aq nk tau sgt.....ikan dyerh cam kertas plak..hahahah....ye ar,,cuberh korunk nengok bhg sirip ikan kat atas tu.dyerh bergrak2..hihi....
Haa...now,aq nk ckp psl sek0r ikan jerkkk lg..sek0r je ag...hihih..then aq citer psl bende laen yg aderh kat ctu...tnpa aderh kene ngena....tntg FISHIES...hahaha...
haa...nierh adalah ikan last yg akn aq citerh..hihihi...korunk nengok ikan nie..mcm biawak ade..mcm ikan p0n ade...ish...plik banget..hahaha...ikan nierh dok diam ajerk...ish aq plik bt0l......tp paper jelorh..janji ikan nierh bleh dikatakan CUTE...okk,,t kiterh smbonk citerh ag eh??aq citer psl bende len plak...tp ade kene ngene nan Lye Huat Garden...bubai..wasalam.....
teha tieya luv lolilpop